The Union MMU is legally bound to use its funds and services for the exclusive benefit of its student members and not for the benefit of members of the public, University staff or alumni. There are occasions when a Society requires expertise which is not available from its current student members but which could be provided by someone who is not a current student. In such circumstances it is possible to grant Associate Membership to that individual. However, in order to be certain that legal obligations are met, it is essential that The Union MMU satisfies itself that Associate Membership is only granted on these grounds and in exceptional circumstances. Please note: You need to complete each section fully, otherwise the application cannot be considered. With the exception of individuals detailed in the constitution, it is not possible to grant Associate Membership to The Union MMU in general. An application must relate to a specific Society. The application to allow Associate Membership should be made by the committee of the Society not by an individual (Nominee) seeking Associate Membership. The Associate Membership application will be sent to the Societies and Development Officer to be approved or rejected. A reason will be given if the application is rejected and the society have the right to appeal should they wish.
These must be exceptional benefits which cannot be sourced elsewhere